Friday, November 26, 2010

40% Off is Hard to Pass Up

So, I am now back from my Black Friday experience. I made it through two hours of it. One of these hours was spent at Express. They had 40% of everything in the store before noon. One problem, the one sweater that I wanted in the store, they didn't have my size. Go figure right? I guess that's what I get for not going at 4am when they opened. But, luckily the 40% off was online also, and I was able to purchase the sweater when I got home.

The thing that annoyed me most about the experience was the lines. Yea, I accepted them and moved on, but boy do they clutter up the store. We ended up weaving our way around enough people to find some items to buy and saving around $120. I'd say it was worth it.

One thing that I noticed on the way to the mall was that the restaurant Old Chicago was having a "Man Cave Party" today starting at 11am, pretty good idea. All of the guys can go eat and hang out while their wives shop. Now, I saw plenty of men enjoying their shopping experience this morning, but the "Man Cave Party" idea fits the stereotype that the women are the shoppers.

I have to say I'm glad I partook in Black Friday, but I will end up buying most of my Christmas presents the week before Christmas. Yep, I'm one of those last minute shoppers.


  1. Maddie I too understand all too well about 40% being very hard to pass up because since I work in retail at American Eagle I get 40% off there and then I also get 40% off at Express also because I have a friend who works there. So pretty much whenever I get paid from work it seems that I end up spending some money on something because 40% off is almost 50% off so it is so hard for me to say no. So 40% is something that you and I have a hard time passing up so I guess we are both in good company!

  2. I think clothing stores are the worst to shop in during Black Friday only because the lines take up half the store, so those that are actually looking for things to buy hardly have any room. Needless to say, 40% off is worth the wait and the hassle. It's also a good that you could still find your sweater online and didn't have to wake up at 4am to get it. Lastly, the man cave idea is brillant. I wonder if more businesses will catch on and do that in the future.
