Here's the thing: I am a growing young lad.
And as such, there are many things that I require to live my daily life to full potential. One of those things is the need to scarf down food, at any given moment, in any given place.
Unfortunately, the "free", or more realistically pre-paid, food provided me by the campus is often not hearty and tasty enough to appease my raging appetite. Thus, i often re-direct my food-frenzied quest towards Scatterfield Rd, the central Indiana fast food mecca, more specifically towards Taco Bell and King Gyros.
You may be wondering what the gluttonous actions of a college gent has to do with marketing and Consumer Behavior. Let me clarify.
Two nights ago I had a startling revelation about my eating habits that direct correlates and applies to the subtle art of Consumer Behavior. I realized that I cannot go to sleep without eating a "snack" (my snack size is two full meals to the average woman). The real trouble is, is that in addition to that fact that i am falling asleep with 500 calories going nowhere but my gut, i often have have a very specific craving when 12 am rolls around. Taco Bell. Fourth Meal.
I realized that i had been sucked straight in to the marketing core of Taco Bell Inc, playing right into their genius decision to add another meal to my "3 meals a day" upbringing. Through my repeated, habitual, purchasing, i now cannot sleep without buying Taco Bell.
If that's not brilliant marketing, I don't know what is.
Touche Taco Bell. Touche.