For all you computer lovers out there, this blog is for you. I have recently come to the realization that i am in need of a new laptop. This idea has not come from the intense WANT of a new and improved device seen in an ad. No...this comes from the fact that my current laptop is falling apart. I feel it’s my job as a respectable student to put both it and I out of our misery and move on to something better. Sort of like a laptop break up. My current laptop is a HP and I bought it my senior year of high school in preparation for college as many people do. While choosing witch brand I was going to choose, I looked to my close friends and saw that all but one had HPs (and the one is an impulsive buyer...he’s special ha).I therefore followed the obvious thought pattern that HPs must be the best buy for the money. My HP now has broken a hinge, its touch volume is defective, and now the bottom section of the screen is literally split open, but the fact about me is...I’m a frugal guy. I could get a new Mac computer and be perfectly happy with my purchase (that is the computer I want), but I would see this laptop as unused revenue in a sense. I invested a lot in buying this and its lasted 3 years...but is that really enough?
I’m currently looking into Macs to see my options. I want the simple MacBook which is priced around $999. What do I like? Well I like the 10 hour battery power (mine currently has about 1 hour), I like the overall sleekness and simplicity of the computer, I love the idea of garage band and have loved using it before, and the security of knowing viruses can’t harm your Mac computer is definitely a plus. I love talking to people about their Macs because they are so passionate about them. I would really like to own one of these computers. I’m currently trying to find a way to maybe sell my old computer for parts or some type of return on investment. If i can do that, this summer might be lookin' good
Jon!!! The reason why Mac users are so passionate, is because once you go Mac you don't go back. Everything from the style of the computer (inside and out), the functionality, and personality it is clear that Apple is a good decision for most college students. Like a new cell phone, it isn't hard to used to the why Macbooks operate. In fact you will want to learn more about your computer everyday. I love Apple