This is where consumers go to record their consumption experiences and discuss the effects of how consumers are influenced by their environment in ways such as their culture, family, and media. This is an ongoing testimony of why we, as consumers, do the[sometimes crazy] things we do.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Purchasing habits of a last minute study session
As this is such a festive and fun-filled time, i often find myself staying up until the wee hours of the morning (like i am right now) just to celebrate my love of my classes through re-learning many of the concepts presented in the class (aka studying).
As I have had a few of these late night celebrations over the last few nights, I have noticed some changes in my purchasing habits of normal. Taco Bell and CVS seem to really be going strong in my life right now, as i load up on burritos and energy drinks. The health risks to exam week just keep piling up.
Nonetheless, I will continue to celebrate this hallowed holiday week with increased spending in fast food and beverages as I continue the quest for relaxation via Christmas Break.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Did It Again
p.s. I got an iPad
Connectedness Function and my family traditions
My family loves to eat. We also love to be loud. Needless to say, my family LOVES Thanksgiving.
We all demonstrated this importance and connectedness through the fact that every year, when plausible, we travel from all over to meet for Thanksgiving. We talk and laugh and listen to the same album every year (The original soundtrack to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat musical). We argue about pointless topics and eat lots of food.
We also cast lots for Secret Santa. Basically, since my family is pretty big, what we do is put names in a jar and everyone draws a name. The name you draw is the person you buy presents for.
We have done this every year for as long as I can remember. It is a tradition that contributes to our family connectedness and we all guard it fiercely.
Spending to Save
I gotta be honest, I would be willing to venture that in today's deal-saturated consuming world, I am one of the biggest suckers out there. I am who every company dreams of selling to, as I often find myself chomping at the bit the second a deal comes my way, regardless of if i really need, or want, the item in question. Recently, during an excursion into the black Friday madness, I found myself buying tons of things, primarily clothes, that for which I absolutely had no need. The thing that really got me going, however, were the deals. I found myself thinking, well this is awesome, i just saved 30 bucks on that 115 dollar purchase, when in reality, i just lost 115 dollars to something I didn't need, or even have intention to buy before walking into the store. These little moments of realization are something that I have really enjoyed about this Consumer Behavior class. I have found myself analyzing my purchasing habits more than I ever have before, and it has consistently revealed one thing: I have a hard time saying no to spending money. And it is often due to the fact that I think that I am saving money by spending money. Sounds pretty ridiculous, don't you think?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
short term vs long term
I love my father but....
A Blue Emblem. Something More?
Man the colts last night win was much needed. I’m not a fair weather fan, but when your team gets in a bit of slump it becomes less fun and more painful. Last nights win showed strength through adversity, which might give them an advantage in the post-season. We’ll see. GO HORSE!
Now, I have only been to one Colts game at Lucas Oil. If you ever get the opportunity, go! It’s pretty amazing. When I went it just reminded me how emblematic the Colt NFL Jersey is. Everyone has one. By wearing our big blue and white, we are all seen as a member of the team. We want to be identified with the team. We want to make as much noise as we can, because deep down we believe we are helping as the 12th man on the field. The sense of connectedness surrounds the stadium, it surrounds Indy, and it surrounds the state.
Last nights, post game conference was funny when Peyton responded to Bob Kravitz question, “People always say, hang in there. I was never out there. I’ve always been in there. I’ll always be in there. Wherever there, I never have left. I’ve kept working” Priceless. But these people are just searching to help, with words of encouragement, even if they don’t really help. We don’t know what were doing. But the connectedness came back at us fans when he spoke that quote. I heard it in, “I’ll always be in there…I’ve never left” That just gives me more comfort and reason to cherish this wonderful Colts team and its Captain Peyton Manning. It won’t last forever. Which means its very precious for all of us fans and I can’t help but think that each and every one of us owns a blue a white jersey, because the value we see in it means something more than being emblematic. We value them as precious, just as we value the team. Who knows maybe we even value them as sacred.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Why did I buy that? Nevermind.
So I bought an Xbox two years ago only because Halo 3 came out. I was never a one-person campaign gamer. I take that back, when I was really young my grandparents had a Nintendo at their house. When I would visit, I would play Mario 3 for hours or a whole day straight. Anyways, with the games today, I’m more of a multiplayer guy. Basically, I love playing with some my good friends online. Many of them live far away; so playing multiplayer over Xbox live seemed like a fun way to keep in touch. Well when I bought the Xbox two years ago, I never got around to getting Xbox live. I never had the time to play the darn thing. The console has basically been a giant paperweight for almost two years. I almost was going to sell it on eBay, earlier this year.
Then a miracle happened! Halo Reach came out earlier this fall (haha). I had to get it. With it I purchased Xbox live and Modern Warfare 2. I was set. I don’t play it that often. But, when I do its extremely fun. I even have an indicator on my phone that tells me when my friends are on Xbox live. So, what is the moral of the story? I had post decision regret for almost 2 years. Now it’s gone. I am satisfied with my decision, which is cool considering it is a tech product. That’s why I love these game consoles. They’re not like phones or TV’s where a new model comes out every year. They have a decent life span for anybody to get their moneys worth, even if you don’t use it for 2 years.
All I want for Christmas
So I think that it's fairly obvious by now that I'm a bit obsessed with my car. I talk about it, work on it, and think about it a lot! So Christmas time is no different. I got my car for Christmas in the first place. But now I just want to work on fixing a few more things and make it better. Unfortunately the work I have in mind is a little out of my league and I'll be gone half of break on a Tri-S trip. So that's where Reggie, from Reggie's Motorworks in Westfield, comes in. He mostly works on e30s, which is the body style of BMW that I have, but he does work on other things as well. I have taken my car in to him several times for a bunch of different fixes from the glove box to the transmission. So I plan on taking my car to him again during break. That way, when I come back from Peru, it'll be all ready to go. Now I don't have the money to have him fix everything on my car, nor do I want him to. I enjoy working on it myself when I can, but it is always nice to know someone that you trust. I know he will do a good job and not rip me off. And that's why I keep going back.
Neti Pot
Black Friday! So much fun
The Wallet
So, the very next day Kim and I set out on a search for a brand new wallet. Where you ask? Target.
Not only is Target relatively cheap but they also have some of the cutest wallets you can find.
Now Kim is usually like me when it comes to shopping. We shop like a man. We usually know what we want and know where to find it. We hardly ever spend more than an hour in any store. However, this was a whole new experience.
Kim spent about 45 minutes trying to decide which wallet to choose. She wanted something not too small that could slip out of your pocket but she also didn't want something that was too big and would be a burden to carry. She also had to choose what color she wanted. Her last wallet was brown, so she wanted something a little bit more fun. So that narrowed it down to about 3/4ths of the items on the shelf. Then she had to decide what style. Did she want a wallet that zipped or a wallet that snapped? About 30 minutes later she finally narrowed it down to 3- a red one that zipped and snapped, a yellow one with a flower pattern that snapped, and a green one that snapped.
After asking for my opinion about 6 times and asking the opinion of a few friends from school we ran into. She finally decided that she liked the yellow one with the flowers the best. So she purchased it and we left.
Thankfully, she has been very satisfied with her purchase and feels as if she made the right choice. Many people have commented on her new wallet and it has definitely filled the hole that the other wallet left.
Picking The Right TV
Harry Potter: My Current Obsession
I love Harry Potter just as much as any other person. Harry Potter is currently my favorite movie/book series. However, it wasn’t always that way. When Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone first came out in theaters, my fifth grade teacher read the book to our class and then we went and saw the movie. For some reason I wasn’t that into it, and I didn’t actually jump onto the Harry Potter bandwagon until my freshman year of high school. Something just clicked in my head that didn’t back when the Harry Potter craze first started, and I became a huge fan really fast. So now, if asked, anyone that knows me would probably say that my love for Harry Potter is more of an obsession… and it’s a little bit true.
The Harry Potter movies were definitely great purchases for me. I literally watch them all the time, so I didn’t waste my money, and I just love them. I have a few movies that I regret buying, just because I never watch them and they’re just taking up space. But out of all of my movies, I watch the Harry Potter ones the most. You know how there are just some movies that never get old no matter how many times you watch them? Yeah, that’s how all of the Harry Potter movies are for me, especially the first one. My fascination with the first movie led me to go see all of the five other Harry Potters, buy them when they came out on DVD, and get a bunch of other Harry Potter merchandise. So, I would definitely say that out of most of the things I have purchased in my life, the Harry Potter movies have been the best purchase I’ve made.
Problem Recognition
My roommate and I have a problem. Our printer has been out of ink for a few weeks. By “our printer”, I really mean my printer. We share a printer and take turns buying ink when it runs out. Well, it just so happens that I haven’t printed anything out since the beginning of the semester, so she’s basically been using all the ink. Now, the ink is gone and she expects me to buy more ink. I don’t have money to buy ink, let alone ink that I won’t even be using. After unsuccessfully trying to convince me to buy some more, she finally gave in last week and decided to go ahead and buy more. Before we actually bought the ink, however, she wanted to get Starbucks. After spending over $8 on two coffees, and more money on random things at Walmart, we picked out the ink that we needed and went to the cashier. Lo and behold, she didn’t have enough for the ink.
Then, a few days later, we went to Walmart because she said she had some things she needed to buy. She spent $20 on a bunch of stuff that probably could have been saved for later. She now had the money to buy the ink, but bought something else that she probably didn’t even need instead. I would definitely consider my roommate to be an impulsive buyer. When she sees something she wants, she doesn’t hesitate to buy it, even though she knows there are more important things that she needs to buy. So now, this problem is going to continue until one of us finally decides to buy more ink.
Giving in to the Dark Side
Video Games
Tis the Season to be Stressful
I don't know if it is because I'm a procrastinator or if I don't like the crowds of people shopping, but I always seem to do my shopping last minute and online. This is the worst way to do it because of a number of reasons. First off, by the time Christmas rolls around, places are running out of stock, so you may not get exactly what you wanted to. Also you are going to pay more for whatever the gift is, with overnighting and shipping costs. Then there is the problem of making sure that nobody intercepts their own gift before I get do, which can be a task with a little brother around. And even if you do manage to receive all the packages without incident, then you have to get them to a safe location to wrap. And once you finally have that you can put it under the tree. I'm not really sure why I do this to myself every year but I do. I guess it's just my nature. But I wish I could break the habit. This season is far too stressful as it is without last minute gift shopping. Well there is always next year to start I guess. Maybe I'll make that my New Years resolution.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
All I Need For Christmas Is......
Christmas time is the time for joys, excitement, love, kindheartedness, and peace. But to me with Christmas coming to me brings a lot of headaches and pains. This is because for the most part I am a good gift giver but when it comes to my dad year after year it never fails I never know what to buy him. My dad is the kind of person who if he wants something he will most likely go out and buy it for himself. So when it comes to buying him Christmas gifts I never know what to get him because if he wants it he will buy it and if I get him a gift he does not want he will not hesitate to return it. So when I go into the stores looking for gifts for him I never know what to get him and then that just brings frustration because he is very difficult to shop for. The last 2 years I have though found out what gifts to buy him for Christmas and that would be Anderson Raven attire from our bookstore. Freshman and Sophomore year I have bought him a golf polo and a hat, and each year he has liked those. But now I am to the point where I kind of want to try and get him something else like not from the bookstore and see if he likes it. I have been doing my research and my dad is a big bike rider and he pretty much has it all except for a cordless air compressor to pump up his tires when it gets flat. He is always getting flat tires and is always having to use the foot pump to pump it up and that takes a lot of work sometimes, but with him having this it will eliminate all that effort that he has to put into it. This is the gift that I want to get him and there is no way that he can take it back because it is the perfect gift for him!