So basically I am at a loss of what to write for this blog. I have not really bought anything lately worth writing about. So I thought hey I could help people out with comments and get some ideas for what I should get for my b-day. I am turning 21 in a week and I do not really know what I want. I do not have a whole lot to spend, but I thought I would treat myself to something. I may do some more with my car or get a new iPod or something, but I thought it could be fun get some input from others as to what, if anything, I should buy. I usually don't consult others before buying things. I just go and get it, if I want it. So this is a little different for me.
I know most people would have no clue what to even suggest, but if you don't know me or anything I might like just suggest something random. Those are always fun, just to hear what stuff others like and would get. Then explain why I should spend my hard earned dineros on that. My previous two posts are a little hint. I love cars and music. So if it has to do with those then there is a better chance I will like it. So start commenting and I will probably do my next post on the decision I make from suggestions, whether I choose one or not and why.
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