As November 7th neared my anticipation continued to grow. I was anxiously awaiting the grand opening of the new health foods store, "Earthfare", in Hamilton Town Center. Earthfare is the closest organic and health foods store to Anderson University and I was in desperate need of a health foods store that I did not have to drive an hour and twenty minutes round trip to arrive at. Although Trader Joe's has a good selection and great prices, it was too far away for the return I was receiving. Whole foods is even farther away although it is probably the largest health foods store in the area and has a great selection, but I do not need that kind of selection for my normal routine. Earthfare was indeed the answer to my prayers. As I walked in to Earthfare on November 7th, it was buzzing with anxious and excited shoppers ready for an adventure in this new store. I looked to my right and witnessed the most organized and attractive arrangement of produce I had ever seen. I continued through the aisles for the next hour, observing the nuisances of this new store. It had the fresh meat section as well as aged and organic cheese section that I prefer a grocery store to have. It also had a great selection of make-up, medicine, and other health remedies. Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed. It is admittedly a bit annoying to be in a store during the grand opening, but there is a strong sense of camaraderie amongst us health food shoppers all hyped up for a new store. Now, of course the elephant in the room in regards to health food stores is the price. I am a college student and therefore need any break I can get on my grocery bill. I expected to pay a little over $100.00 for two to three weeks worth of food for myself. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my total was exactly $110.00 before my coupons and a whopping $80.00 after my coupons! I left extremely happy! Post-decision dissonance is unavoidable, but I can honestly say I was emotionally and rationally satisfied with Earthfare in numerous ways and plan to maintain loyalty and spread positive word of mouth for years to come!
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