Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dell Ruins/Saves the Day

A couple of years ago a friend of mine, who is my wife now and part of my nuclear family, purchased a Dell computer during her first year of college. Because of what she had heard about Dell computers, she had high expectations of the computer. When she received the computer she was not as impressed with the computer as she thought she would be based on the positive word of mouth she had received from other friends who owned Dell computers. Because of this dissatisfaction she had for the computer she immediately felt post-decision regret on purchasing the computer. After having the computer for a couple of months the hard drive crashed on it. She was very upset and contacted Dell about the problem and they immediately sent her a new hard drive for her computer. Not long after she was able to get the hard drive replaced, the hinge on her computer screen broke and it was no longer functional. She was so frustrated at what was going on with her new computer and a company that was supposed to make good products. Once again, she contacted Dell, this time with more complaints and told them her problem and without hesitation she was sent a new computer of whatever model, make, and color she wanted. Dell showed they had a strong customer service and really cared about their customers. 

1 comment:

  1. So, we need to at least get to FRUSTRATED level then will only Dell take action to solve the problem? That is not good customer service.
